shadowrun 5 rich client platform

The shadowrun 5 rich client platform is model driven project for managing shadowrun 5 resources.

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  1. Overview

    This is a program to manage resources and characters for the rolegame shadowrun 5.0. It is dedicated to create and manage characters.

    For now it contains :

    • a runtime for managing combat turns, nsc and so on
    • editors for the resources objects
    • shadowrun 5 character generator after the core rule book
    • sum to ten generator
    • karma based generator
    • life module generator
    • a simple character sheet
    • grunt editor and sheet
    • various text exports like svg or phpB
  2. editor examples

  3. Motivation

    As I used to play shadowrun for a very long time, I started with an editor in Delphi for shadowrun 2.0, many year later I started a technologie study with emf for the 3.01 version, as my group has now moved to 5.0 and the chummer project don't work well on linux I have moved some of the model to 5.0. This is a kind of technology study, working with an model driven approach.

  4. Installation

    As the software is an eclipse product so you need to unpack the software and start the exe, you will need java installed.

    please refer to the wiki.

    support via bitcoin:

    • 12Fgh416ogMiJsYnXyeYqaEGyEQHcVFSsJ for main support like webspace and service
    • 1B9nJ2eXZJz1UKaVQTeMHriD1LBQsd4CvS for arts and graphics
    • 18BbgDaurToEu6sou5dmBzNUNWAhTH25Tg for localization and spell checking
    • 1JcJK1nLkAZkr4jid6N44L2bYQ7rxPSVYZ tip the coder

    as we could use the bitcoin to pay some people to make the tedious spell checking jobs, pay webspace or services or pay for some artwork.

  5. Technical stuff

    This project is based on the EMF modeling framework.

character generator


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